Tuesday, December 3, 2013

You Think Plexus Costs Too Much? Let's Compare!

One objection I hear often is how expensive Plexus costs. So, let's do a little comparison, shall we? As a preferred customer, you will receive a 30 Day Supply of Plexus Slim and a 30 day supply of the Accelerator for $99.85. That breaks down to only $3.32/day. Lattés cost more than that and they don’t help me lose weight and better my life!

As a Retail customer, you will receive a 30 Day Supply of Plexus Slim and a 30 day supply of the Accelerator for $114.95. That breaks down to only $3.84/day. It may not seem like that much of a difference per day but we all know how a little bit of money can add up quickly!

Compare Plexus Slim to Medifast..... a 4 week supply (only 28 days) for $341.50! That is prepared meals and what happens when you get off of this expensive diet? Any ideas? You bet... you gain it back plus some. All of the pleasure of spending $341.50!

Compare Isagenix... $ 382.00 for a 30 day supply!!! It consists of meal replacement shakes tasting of “chocolate” and vanilla and a few bars to gnaw on when you’re so hungry after that shake has worn off but you can’t have the second one yet. Does this sound sustainable to you?

Compare also to Body by VI... the Ultimate Transformation Kit..$ 249.00 for a 30 day supply and they want you to do a 90 day challenge. That’s $ 750 for 3 month!

How about: Nutrisystem? $ 409.00/mo.
Jenny Craig? $ 400.00/mo.
South Beach? $ 348.00/mo.

The list can go on and on... To make it even more cost efficient, become a Plexus Ambassador and buy at Wholesale price! Here's how!

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