Tuesday, December 17, 2013

So, a Little About Me

I wanted to give you a bit of background on my road to Plexus.  After getting married in 2003, I packed on the weight- at least 20 lbs.  In 2004, my husband and I decided it would be time to have children.  After getting pregnant twice, I lost both babies and packed on the weight even more.  Finally, in 2006, I got pregnant with a blessing.  I thought it would be a great time to eat whatever and as much as I wanted.  Wrong.  I was weighing close to 200 lbs.  I am only 5'3", so this was big for my stature. 

In 2008, I got pregnant with my 2nd child.  I still had not lost the weight from the first pregnancy, so I started even heavier.  Again, towards the end, I weighed almost 200 lbs.!  After having baby #2, I decided I was sick of feeling tired and large.  So, I decided to sign up for Weight Watchers.  Although I started out being hungry, I quickly lost weight and still felt I was doing this while being healthy.  When baby #2 was 7 months old, I found out I was pregnant with #3.  That couldn't be.  I hadn't lost all the weight I wanted to.  Indeed, the test did not lie.

After giving birth in 2010, I knew I had to jump right back into Weight Watchers.  Low and behold, I was down to 129 in January of 2011.  I felt wonderful.  Unfortunately, life started taking over.  I got a new job where I sat all day and I felt as though I could eat anything and not gain.  WRONG!  The lack of exercise, stress and poor diet led me back to 146 in 2013. 

With my husband being deployed to Kuwait, there was no way I had time to measure my points and food.  I turned to Plexus Slim and Accelerator after one of my friends posted on Facebook about the product.  It was hard for me to find anything negative about the products.  It seemed as though most people succeeded.  I figured why not. 

So, after ordering the Plexus Slim and Accelerator, I started taking the product on a Tuesday.  I took my drink and 2 pills in the morning.  By that evening, I was famished.  I ate anything in sight.  I realized I didn't have my daily 1-3 sodas I typically had though as I did not crave anything.  For the next 2 days I adjusted when I took the Accelerator towards later in the day and that started controlling my appetite.  I did, however, go through withdraw and have horrible headaches for a few days though.  It also made me super thirsty.  I was drinking about 80 oz. of water each day.  I gained weight in the first few days.  After 5 days, I decided I wanted to sign up and purchase the product at Wholesale cost.  It had been one week now and time to weigh in.  I had lost 2 lbs.!  Success!

It has now been 4 weeks and I am down 4 lbs.  It is a slow process, but I have faith in the product.  I no longer crave soda and the few times I have tried caffeine, it tasted nasty to me.  I couldn't even eat the pumpkin pie over Thanksgiving.  Yes, you read that right.  I lost weight over Thanksgiving!!

So, I will continue to drink my pink drink and take the accelerator each morning.  I will update as the weeks continue.  Please comment or email if you have any questions.  Follow me on my journey and check out what Plexus has to offer.

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