Monday, January 27, 2014

How to Control Diabetes

I have diabetes...what now?
Diabetes:  A disease of the body’s metabolism that affects (increases) the body’s use of sugar.
Metabolism:  A set of chemical reactions  within our bodies that creates the energy that runs our bodies.
Signs and Symptoms:  Hunger, Excessive Thirst, Frequent urination, Fatigue, Irritability, Blurred vision, Slow healing of wounds & infection.  Weight loss usually occurs with Type 1 Diabetes.

Insulin resistance (IR):  A condition, usually hereditary, where the body's cells become resistant to the effects of insulin, requiring increasingly greater amounts to overcome the resistance. In response, the pancreas raises its production of insulin to meet the requirements caused by the resistance. Eventually the pancreas becomes depleted and is no longer able to provide the large quantities of insulin needed.  With inadequate insulin, the blood sugar rises causing pre-diabetes and eventually Type 2 diabetes.

In Pre-diabetes, blood glucose &/or A1C levels are higher than normal, but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes.   This is caused by insulin resistance described above. Since the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to meet the body’s needs, blood glucose levels rise above the normal range.  Usually persons with pre-diabetes have no symptoms, but are at risk for the same complications as a person with diabetes.  Weight loss and increased physical activity improve blood sugar values and may prevent or delay the onset of Type 2 Diabetes.

Uncontrolled Diabetes causes complications that may be disabling or life threatening. Some complications are Heart attacks, Strokes, Peripheral Artery disease (PAD), Kidney Failure, Blindness, & Nerve damage.

How Plexus Slim can help:

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Reduces Cholesterol                                               Improves Clarity Of Thought
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Check out our Plexus testimonials to see for yourself!

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