Monday, January 13, 2014

Weigh Me...errr Monday

So, a little update in my husband is home from overseas. He arrived a week ago today. We are over the moon that he is back, but we have been just that much busier as I now have another person to devote time to. So, I have fallen behind on my blogging and tracking my progress. I am currently at the same weight as before. I feel as I've almost hit a lull. Actually, it's not even a lull. I just haven't been watching what I am eating. I am a huge social eater. So, with the holidays and everything else, I've managed to eat and have a few drinks. One of the bright sides of his return is that I can now hit the gym regularly. I started Zumba back yesterday and forgot how much I loved it. My calves are feeling it, but I felt wonderful afterwards! Did I mention today was my birthday? Today is the first year I will not center my birthday around food! I haven't even had a desire to do so. Yippee!! Until next week's weigh-in. I'm off to enjoy another 16 oz. of H2O.

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